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Qualities Of A Successful Entrepreneur

What are the characteristic traits that lead to a person's success? Here are some invaluable qualities of successful entrepreneurs. 1) PERSEVERANCE Being able to persevere through any challenge can help someone overcome even their most difficult obstacles. 2) GOAL-ORIENTED These people are assertive, responsible, and self-disciplined. They have a goal, and pursue it to the end. 3) SELF-AWARENESS This quality is the ability to examine your feelings. If you are able to determine your motivations and drive, you may be started on the right path.

4) RESILIENCE Some people are able to bounce back quickly and recover after rejection and defeat. 5) WILLINGNESS TO TAKE A RISK For most, the idea of taking risks in life or business is overwhelming. However, there are some who continually go beyond their comfort zones and love the unknown.

6) THRIVING ON PRESSURE If there is an upcoming deadline or a stressful situation, some people work best under pressure 7) OPTIMISM Keeping a positive attitude is imperative to achieving success. 8) EMPATHY Empathy is being able to align yourself with another person's feelings and understand their joys and difficulties. This can lead to deeper relationships, in business and personally. 9) COMPETITIVENESS Competition creates a healthy drive to want to do your best. This drive to succeed can give you an extra push over your opponents. 10) PATIENCE The old saying is true, "Good things come to those who wait.

" 11) PERSUASIVENESS The ability to persuade others for your point of view requires influence. People who are successful have this characteristic. 12) CONFIDENCE People who have that inner ambition know personally that they have the ability to succeed. That confidence is apparent to everyone they come in contact with. This self-assurance and inner calm will cause others to want to be around you.

13) PASSION If you really care about what you do, that passion will shine through to those around you. 14) INTEGRITY Stay true to yourself, your morals and values, and don't compromise your standards. 15) TRUST Trust is imperative to business and personal relationships. When the people around you can trust you, success is that much easier to achieve.

16) HAVING FUN Work and play don't always go together, but success doesn't happen without enjoying yourself and your work. 17) BEING OPEN This will open you up to new opportunities. If you close yourself off, you are limiting your options. 18) CREATIVITY Your ability to develop fresh and innovative ideas can revolutionize your world. 19) COURAGE Looking past your fears to realize your dreams is critical to the success of your business.

Look past what intimidates you and move towards success.

You can find these qualities and more by visiting Brian's Perfect Wealth Formula website. About the Author: Brian McCoy is a 6-figure earner in the home business industry who specializes in coaching others on how to create a full time income via the internet while working from the comfort of their own home.

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