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The Secret to Growing your Business Fast with Direct Mail

What is the easiest, fastest, most affordable way to grow your business with Direct Mail? ? Postcard Marketing. Here's why: 1) Postcards will work for any business- period. It doesn't whether your company is a huge institution such as a credit card company or a one person home based consulting business ? you can successfully market and grow your business by marketing your business with postcards. 2) Postcards are the most read form of direct mail marketing. Unlike other forms of direct mail such as letters and brochures, which often get discarded without even being opened ? people read postcards. Let's face it ? it's hard to throw away a postcard without looking at it and reading the headline.

And if the headline is well written- chances are it will grab their attention and your prospect will continue reading your marketing piece. 3) Designing, printing, and mailing postcards is easy and affordable. There is no need to spend big money having a high end advertising agency create a postcard design for you. Postcard designs should be simple, straight to the point, and easy to read. Many direct mail printers have pre-designed postcard templates or will create a custom postcard design for about $150.

When printing and mailing in bulk quantities- the entire cost of a postcard campaign can cost less per piece than it would cost to buy a postage stamp. In other words you could mail a postcard to a business prospect every month for an entire year for about $3. 4) Marketing Postcards target prospects that need your product/service.

When you advertise on the radio or in a newspaper or magazine ? you are paying to advertise to a lot of people who have no need or desire to buy your product/service. With direct mail you can utilize demographics to select a mailing list that is targets only those consumers or businesses that have a high probably of responding to your offer. 5) Postcards mailings get results fast. An entire postcard campaign can be designed printed and mailed in about 5 to 7 business days. Add another 3 to 4 days for the Postal Service to deliver the cards and you will start receiving responses/orders.

So the entire project from the start of project until the responses start rolling in- only takes about 2 weeks. 6) With direct mailing ? it's easy to control the flow of new business to your company. With direct mail you can generate a consistent flow of new business by establishing an ongoing marketing campaign that mails a consistent number of pieces out each week or every other week.

If you starting getting to much business you can skip a week or cut back on the how many you are mailing each week. If you need a quick boost- increase your mailing quantity or send out a large quantity blast to get your sales back on track. With postcard marketing you are in control of how many you mail and when you mail.

Mike Ryan is the President of Cactus Mailing a direct mail and postcard marketing company that has help hundreds of business market successfully with direct mail. For more information on his company visit www.CactusMailing.com

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