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Want More Traffic Heres How

Want more visitors? Don't know how to get them? Then this article was written for YOU! Follow these basic tactics and watch them flock to your door! Reciprocal links The search engines look to see how many other websites have links to yours. The more links coming into your site, the further up the rankings ladder you will get. Find twenty websites that are in the same business as you. Not direct competitors ones that deal with related products or services. Check to see if they have a 'Links' page.

If so contact them, tell them who you are and what your site is about, and ask them if they would exchange links. It will help if you put a link to their site on your 'Links' page first. Usually they will do so, as they will know the value of incoming links as well. Vary the wording of your email for each site you contact and point out something you like about it. Make it personal.

Articles Many Internet marketers run away from article writing because they think it's too difficult. You'll be amazed at how easy it is once you've got the hang of it. Because you know your niche subject well and are enthusiastic about it, the writing becomes easy.

This makes it a pleasure to write about what you are interested in. So here's the plan: 1. Take one aspect of your product or theme. 2.

Think of three pieces of information that people would find interesting and informative, and write these down on paper. 3. Now take each one of these in turn and tell your readers what is so interesting, fascinating and instructive about each.

4. When you've done that add an introduction at the top and a concluding sentence or two at the bottom. 5.

Finally, compose an 'author's bio' which says who you are what your website is, and include a link to your site. This is a one-way link back to your site. That's your article done! Next submit it to a few article directories like GoArticles.com. Search on 'article directories' to find more. Write one article a week and submit it to a handful of the best high PR directories.

Make your site a search engine magnet Take time to find the right keywords for your site. You can use a tool like the free GoodKeywords.com keyword finder or online resources like the Google Keyword Tool. Choose about 10 high volume keywords and put these in the 'keywords' section of your website header. Don't be tempted to put dozens.

It won't work. Now go to each page and put no more than three keywords related to the subject of that page on them, making sure that the page name, the page title and the page description include at least the main keyword for that page. The search engines love this. Once you've got these basic strategies in place you should see a steady increase in visitor numbers. And keep plugging away at all three to get a cumulative effect.

Mervyn Love offers advice, resources links and more for the Internet marketer at http://www.fortresspublishing.com Subscribe to his popular marketing tactics newsletter here: http://www.fortresspublishing.com/MONsplash.html

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